国外博彩app quad and fountain looking north


成为一名有效的非营利组织领导者,并通过国外博彩app的非营利组织领导硕士课程产生持久的影响. 您将配备的知识和技能,以导航非营利组织的复杂景观.






成立于1994年,是美国第一批专注于非营利组织领导人专业教育的研究生项目之一, MNPL是建立在非营利学术中心委员会制定的国家标准之上的, 专注于研究非营利/非政府组织的国际会员制协会, 志愿行动和慈善事业.  

专为工作的成年人设计, 该项目包括晚间和周末课程,通过社区咨询和实习项目,将最新的领导理论和非营利研究与实践经验相结合. 我们的课程侧重于成为一名成功的非营利组织领导者所需的专业技能:  

  • 领导理论 
  • 治理  
  • 战略规划  
  • 政策和宣传 
  • 金融  
  • 筹款及慈善 
  • 市场推广及传播  
  • 人力资源管理  
  • 社会正义 
  • 方案设计与评估  
  • 应用研究  

Nonprofit 领导 Graduate 学位 at a Glance

如何从这个学位中学习 Department of Public Affairs and Nonprofit 领导 will contribute to your career goals. 然后,探索课程要求,看看国外博彩app的学位有多大的影响力.

攻读非营利组织领导硕士学位将带你进入战略管理的世界, 资源动员, and ethical leadership within the nonprofit sector. You engage with real-world case studies, honing your skills in organizational development and effective collaboration. 由经验丰富的教师指导, 你探索创新的方法来解决社会挑战和推动有意义的变革. Networking with fellow passionate individuals, you build a community dedicated to making a difference. 通过这种沉浸式体验, you emerge as a skilled and compassionate leader, ready to lead and inspire within the nonprofit landscape.

项目完成后, 非营利组织领导硕士 students will possess core competencies in:

  • 领导: Demonstrate understanding of theories of ethical and values-based leadership, as well as the ability to apply these theories to real-world situations. Be able to motivate and inspire others, build consensus and make sound decisions.
  • 行业基础了解慈善和非营利组织的历史、发展和功能. 能够清晰地表达非营利部门的价值观和原则,以及它们与营利部门的区别.
  • 设想和计划:能够识别社会需求, 分析的机会, and develop strategic plans to address those needs. 能够清晰地表达组织未来的愿景,并激励他人分享这一愿景.
  • 沟通: Be able to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences, 包括董事会成员, 工作人员, 志愿者, 捐赠者和公众. Be able to write clear and concise reports, proposals and grant applications. Be able to speak in public in a way that is both informative and inspiring.
  • 管理 资源: Be able to acquire and allocate resources effectively. Be able to develop and manage budgets, and to identify and secure funding sources. Be able to build and maintain relationships with donors and funders.


Learn about the classes you’ll take as a student here.


A student holding an SU nonprofit leadership sign


Whether you are launching your nonprofit career or seeking to develop your leadership, we are here to help you achieve your goals and maximize your impact.

A SeattleU Non Profit 领导 notebook


该实习旨在给你一个机会,运用你的教育和发展你的非营利组织的领导技能,通过实际应用. 在实习中, you will examine an organization’s needs, 分析机会并向组织提供可实现的建议.

Competency-Based, Experiential Learning with a Supportive Network

Learn from accomplished faculty members, leading practitioners and collaborate with a diverse cohort of like-minded peers. 参与有活力的讨论, 分享你的见解,利用一个充满激情的领导者的网络——包括一个热情的校友网络——他们和你分享改变的愿景.

通过教育赋权: Our comprehensive curriculum equips you with the knowledge, 在非营利组织的复杂环境中游刃有路需要技能和道德基础. You'll gain a deep understanding of strategic 管理, 资源动员和创新的领导实践,推动可持续的社会影响.

社会正义的核心: Immerse yourself in a community that values and champions social justice. 国外博彩app's commitment to inclusivity, equity and advocacy serves as the backbone of our program, fostering leaders who are dedicated to creating a more just and equitable world.

实际的应用程序:通过咨询机会和与我们广泛的非营利合作伙伴网络的实践项目,将理论付诸行动. Gain practical skills that are immediately applicable to your leadership journey.

在这个节目中, 你会提高你的能力, 发展新的能力,并与整个非营利部门的同事建立联系.

Strong Connections for a Strong Network

Learn with passionate leaders from all levels, 包括一个蓬勃发展的校友网络, 做好改变的准备. 同侪学习和建立一个扩展的网络是你的非营利组织领导硕士经验的核心.

你会反思自己的价值观, 批判性地思考,与同行和非营利组织实时分享和应用知识.

A diverse cohort of students move through the program together, fostering deeper relationships and ongoing collaboration. 

在整个项目中, you will also present professional work to peers and organizations, building knowledge and skills along the way.

Meaningful Roles in Nonprofit 领导

无论你的热情如何, our programs will prepare you to make a difference in any field of nonprofit work.

Our graduates work in a variety of nonprofit, public, and private sector organizations. Leveraging the skills and knowledge gained in the program, 他们中的许多人在毕业后的6-12个月内在组织中担任新的角色或进入新的影响领域.*.

在最近的一个项目研究中, 100%的受访者表示,他们在日常工作中使用了在非营利组织领导课程中学到的技能或知识.


  • 执行董事
  • 发展总监
  • 志愿者经理
  • 市场推广及传播 Directors
  • 慈善顾问
  • 青年计划负责人
  • 社区参与经理
  • 巨额捐献干事
  • 项目经理
  • 营运总监
  • Directors of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • 公共政策协会
  • 中小学教师
  • 非营利组织顾问

*国外博彩app does not guarantee employment.


Andrew Kambwiri, 23年

“我选择了国外博彩app的非营利领导硕士课程,因为我想更好地与社区合作. I have worked in rural communities in Malawi and as I advanced in my career, 我想提高我的领导能力,加深我对社会正义问题的理解.”



If you have any questions about the program or application, we’re here to help!


